Speed Model by Paul Del Gatto

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- All About Jetex,
Paul Del Gatto (undated)
Paul Del Gatto had a fondness for high-speed, high-altitude craft with a spacecraft
or missile-like configuration. The power of the
Scorpion 600 allowed him to fly faster and higher than ever before.
In this model, he offered the option of a cut-down augmenter tube to boost the power
even further. To aid retrieval, he added a fuse-operated parachute recovery mechanism.

by John O'Donnell

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enlarged dimensioned plan
- Zaic Model Aeronautic Year Book,
1957/58 p.176
John O'Donnell, a UK modeller, took the Castaway's wing sections from 'Hustler',
an earlier design of his for Jetex 350 power. To achieve stability with the motor mount,
John abandoned the Scorpion's own supplied stud mount and sheathed the motor in a
section of aluminium tube.
The Scorpion's power was used to enable Castaway to achieve R.O.G. flight.