Micro Rocket Motor and Model Jet Resources
Designers Hall of Fame


Paul E. Del Gatto

Despite his untimely death at the early age of 39, Paul Del Gatto was undoubtedly the most prolific designer of Jetex models. Moreover, his models were not just of aircraft — cars, boats, and even flying wheels took shape in his fertile mind and appeared in a large number of magazine articles and books.

     Paul's plans on the website include:
         Hi-Altitude Speed Model
         Two-Stage Space Ship

Paul had practical experience of flying, having enlisted in the Army Air Force in World War II. He received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant at Freeman Field, Indiana in 1944, and served as a B-24 'Liberator' Pilot-Instructor.

Following the war, he studied aeronautical engineering and resumed his interest in model building. He began contributing to model magazines with designs that were varied and original. In Flying Models alone, he published plans for autogyros, deltas, Wakefields, gliders, R/C scale, and of course, Jetex. Other articles covered such topics as rubber motors and airfoils.

A more substantial publication of Paul's was "All About Jetex", which became for many Jetex modelers the 'Bible' of Jetex building, flying and motor operation and maintenance. In another booklet, "Jets and Models", he covered pulse-jets as well as Jetex.

Paul helped develop countless kit designs for all the major American manufacturers – Comet, Enterprise, Berkeley, Telasco, Jetco, and AMC among them.

Flying Models concluded their heart-felt tribute to Paul in these words:

"We will sincerely miss Paul's talents here at Flying Models, and to a still greater degree as a friend. We were proud to know this man. He was highly motivated toward all things aeronautical, creative, artistic, and full of laughter. May we express the sympathies of modelers from all lands to his [family]. This was a fine and clean-minded man, and by casting his teen-age children to this same high standard, he has fulfilled a high purpose here on earth."

Paul Del Gatto launches his triple-Jetex Bomarc

Del Gatto launching Bomarc
- Model Airplane News, Oct. 1958, p. 18

Flying Models illustrated their obituary of Paul Del Gatto with this fine action photo

Del Gatto launching free-flight model
- Flying Models, Dec./Jan. 1965, p. 22


Articles and illustrations from Model Airplane News and Flying Models contributed by Bill Henderson


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