Atom Baby
by Bill Dean

Click image to view or download large dimensioned plan
and building and flying hints from Bill Dean
- Aeromodeller,
Nov. 1953 (p.668)
Shortly after the introduction to the market of the Atom 35, the prolific and talented designer Bill
Dean was asked by Aeromodeller to turn his hand to a simple design utilising the new motor.
Atom Baby is the result.
In his accompanying notes, Bill Dean says:
"This all-sheet design for the new
Jetex '35' takes only an hour to make.
"Asked by the Editor to design a beginner's
model for the new Jetex " Atom 35 ", we
decided to adopt a perfectly conventional layout
and concentrate on building simplicity. After
selecting the balsa sheet and sitting down at the
building board, the average beginner can easily
turn out one of these little models in one hour flat."