Micro Rocket Motor and Model Jet Resources



Richard Crossley's Sukhoi Above, in a shot that captures the thrill and pride of micro rocket-powered flying, Chris Strachan watches a successful launch of his Sukhoi SU-11. Designed by Richard Crossley and powered by a Rapier L2HP, it’s typical of a new generation of model aircraft that are keeping alive the Jetex experience.

- Photo contributed by Peter Smart

Read more about Rapier motors and Rapier models >>

Welcome to

Contributors the world over are helping to build, a comprehensive online resource covering the technical and historical aspects of small sustained thrust micro rocket motors for use in model airplanes and other craft. The post-WWII British-made Jetex motors are the most well known and well thought-of examples.

Please take a moment to read through this introductory page if you are a first time visitor here. You may access all areas of the site from the navigation bar above or at the bottom of this page, or by using the site map.

Additionally, in our Forum Archive you can take advantage of the extensive collection of the past contributions of fellow aeromodellers, historians, scientists and assorted other micro rocket enthusiasts from all around the world, as they discussed everything from how to build and fly model jets to collecting vintage motors.

Have fun looking around, and please contact us if you have any questions or would like to contribute.

You can read more about on our About page – why we're here, how we got here, who's behind it, and, most importantly, how you can help us become an even more valuable resource.


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