Sebel Lynx

- Royal Air Force Flying Review,
Vol. XVI, No. 2 (p.45)
The "Model Talk" column in the Royal Air Force Flying Review introduced the Sebel Lynx in these words:
Over the past few
years there have been several attempts to
produce flying models with plastic
materials. They have not been all that
successful. The main trouble is that the
stronger plastics are too heavy and the
lighter stuff is a little too flimsy. The
resultant models do not suffer so much
in strength as in a general "bendy"
appearance. But now Sebels have turned
their thoughts to this problem and the
result is the "Lynx" flying model.
] This model seems to have
overcome all the snags of earlier attempts
in that it is strong but light. It also incorporates the smooth, realistic finish
usually associated with the more legitimate plastic kits and it flies well.